Introduction to College Transition PEIMS#N1290050
By Raymond Gerson
“College Transition” is an innovative course for high school students in Texas that can serve as a model for the nation. This course is an elective which was approved by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) and is coordinated by the Texas Education Agency (TEA).
Teachers who have taught the “College Transition” course have reported that student grades have significantly improved in their other courses. They have also reported significant improvements in student attitudes, motivation and mindset.
This course was designed by two Texas school districts with the assistance of a college transition professor with a community college. This course is offered for two semesters as a one hour credit course. It is approved for 9th-12th grade students.
“College Transition” was designed as a college readiness/transition course to prepare students for college success. However, it also helps students to improve their performance in high school right now. The course teaches students how to learn more effectively, how to study, set goals, improve time management, develop higher level thinking and to acquire many non-cognitive skills. Research studies have found a high correlation between non-cognitive skills and success in school, career and life. Standardized test scores have improved as a result of learning non-cognitive skills.
Students learn cross disciplinary skills which can be applied to their other courses. The course not only has strong college readiness components, but also includes career exploration and planning components. For details about all of the essential knowledge and skills see the complete application form (that was approved by Texas SBOE) which is on this page.
Training to teach this course is not essential, but is recommended by TEA. I have been training teachers how to use my books, Achieve College Success and Achieve Career Success as preparation to teach the course. You can see details about the books at www.collegereadinesstraining.com. They can choose any college success books that meet the essential knowledge and skills.
My books are not restricted to the “College Transition” course, although it is an excellent fit for the books. There are teachers using my books or parts of them in other already approved courses. I did create some special handouts for teachers on a few topics in “College Transition” which are not covered in my books. The books do cover most of the essential knowledge and skills in the course.
I have also created additional instructor materials including Power points, instructor manual, test bank, syllabi, extra bonus chapter per book, and bonus handouts. Day-to-day lesson plans have been created for Achieve College Success brief and full editions. The instructor materials are free for adopters who will be using the books with their students. Separate instructor materials are available for each of the four textbooks.
For more information on my books (there are sample chapters online)
and trainings you can go to www.collegereadinesstraining.com.You can also see an unsolicited testimonial on this page from a DE Biology teacher to a “College Transition” teacher who attended my training and is using both textbooks with her students. You can see comments from students who have taken my courses at Austin Community College and comments from educators who have taken my trainings at www.collegereadinesstraining.com.
Best regards,
Raymond Gerson
From: Nancy Ochoa-Garza
To: Ofelia A. Perez
Subject: Biology DEMs. Perez,
I don't know who you are but I need to tell you that you are doing a phenomenal job in your college transitions class. I have several students in my Biology DE class who are also taking college transitions. I gave a test out Wednesday and the results were awesome. In the seven years I have taught Biology DE I have never had a large number of A's on any test much less test scores of 97 and 98. I have many times told students that they need to read before they come to class. They need to go over their notes on a daily basis, and they need to ask questions in class. I tell them they should invest time everyday in reviewing material taught in the class that day. I was very surprised with my class this time around. I even asked if they had gotten access to a test of mine. They were all surprised I asked. After I went over the test, I asked people who got an A to share with the class what they did to prepare for the test. Many of them credited the college transition class and what they have learned. I told them to make sure they go back to your class today and thank you for their success. I hope they do so that you can also experience the excitement I had yesterday and in watching their faces glow. Once again, congratulations on doing a fantastic job. I sure hope more students would take a college transitions class before taking Dual Enrollment classes.Nancy Ochoa-Garza
Sharyland High School
Science Department
This application was approved by the Texas State Board of Education beginning 2022-2023.
- Click here to view the application -
The PEIMS # is still N1290050. The school district that created this course will allow high school teachers to use any books of their choice to teach the high school course. The book or books must cover the essential knowledge and skills in the course. My books, Achieve College Success and Achieve Career Success together plus handouts I created cover the course TEKS. -
E:Raymond@raymondgerson.com | P: (512) 608-3156 | © 2012 Raymond Gerson. All rights reserved. | Disclaimer | website created by: Mark Glennon |