What you are doing Prof. Gerson is changing lives.
"This course changed my mindset and gave me the instruction I needed to become a successful college student. I did graduate. I am gainfully employed, I am starting my BA program in the Fall and I am grateful to you. I am ACC!"
Alecia Wells, Former ACC Student“When I arrived on campus I was lost and afraid of the challenge. I was losing integrity, courage, dependability and self-awareness. This course and book were like a hand being stretched out for me to reach and to guide me. Now I will always keep improving and building the blocks to accomplish my goals.”
Ruben Rodriquez“This course has been an unforgettable experience. It brought back hopes and dreams and the will to succeed. I learned not to give up or to think less of myself.”
Maria Orrotieta“I used to stop short of my goals if I thought I could not get them done. Now I finish everything I do. I did what the book says and learned that when you take small steps you can get anything done. I realize now that I want to become a baseball coach and there is no way anyone can take that from me.”
Pablo Pena“Professor Gerson sharing things in this book from his own life made everything easier to understand. I would have to say that discovering my learning style made a tremendous impact on the way I study and the grades I am getting in return. This course and book have really changed my overall attitude about life in general. Before this class I was very insecure. It was hard to make a decision and now it is much easier.”
Priscilla Martinez“The one big thing that helped me out was the time management section. It helped out because I got to see where I was spending most of my free time which was mostly in video games and sleeping. So because of that I cut down my gaming time for more school work time. I think that I’m getting better at getting my school work down. Now I do school work first and after that I get into my gaming.”
Robert Robinson“I found this book to be very easy to read and understand. I have learning disabilities and sometimes have difficulty reading and understanding what I read. But this book was an exception to that. It was a great book. Professor Gerson gave good tips. I found it to be encouraging and positive. I would recommend this class to any incoming freshmen.”
Sam Leeper“The most valuable part of this book and class for me was the chapter on how to read and study text books. It helped me to study better. For example, I was going to take a reading vocabulary test in another course. My goal was to make a 90, but I exceeded my goal and made a 97. The material in this book was very useful and helpful because it was easy to understand what the author was trying to convey.”
Elida Medrano“This course and book helped me improve the way I do my school work, listen, write, and take notes. Another thing I felt great about was reading stories not only by Professor Gerson, but also from his previous students who went through difficulties in their lives. I think those stories made me realize that I can accomplish whatever I want as long as I put my mind to it and don’t quit.”
Tana Cabequela“I cannot begin to tell you how scared I was of college classes at first because I was afraid of failure. Studying for tests was my weakest spot in school. Every time it was test day I would try to cram as much information as I could before the test. Then when it was time to take it I would always go blank. I am no longer worried about my tests. I have seen improvement in my test taking ability and test results and now I have a positive mind when tests come along.”
Ashley Lemley“I like this book because it’s a starting point for my success. It is sort of like a manual on how to be great. You may fail, but it tells you how to get back up and succeed.”
Mathew Castillo“I learned how to be more responsible, how to overcome hard times, and to forgive myself and others for past mistakes. I know one day I will make a difference in someone’s life. This course and book helped me to find out more about myself and to think better about myself. Honestly, I’m a whole new person inside and out.”
Alexandra Martinez“This course helped me get a better understanding of my career and my life. I learned more about myself in this course than in any other course I have taken. This course has reassured me that I have a bright future.”
Joseph Gonzales“The most valuable part of this class for me was getting the blueprint for a successful college experience.”
Betty Villareal